4 Reasons to Treat Your Skin This April

April is the perfect month for spring cleaning and refreshing all aspects of your life. Why not consider making it the month that you treat your skin well too!

Your skin is vital for your overall health, so keep it safe by taking care of it regularly and daily. A morning and evening skin care routine that includes a gentle cleanser, moisturizer, and sunscreen can do a lot to help your skin stay vibrant and fresh. You’ll also want to exfoliate regularly by using an exfoliating cleanser on top of those calmer cleansers. These important steps will help keep your skin in good condition every day. 

These daily steps are always a great way to create a good, healthy foundation for your skin, but on top of your regular routine, consider treating your skin to additional treatments too. Facials create a wonderful experience that can leave your skin feeling vibrant and glowing, while offering anti-aging and rejuvenation benefits. These additional services have a lot of benefits, but here for four reasons to treat your skin this April.

1. Skin care treatments help you look younger.

Skin care helps to minimize the look at aging signs and wrinkles. It does this by rejuvenating the cells in your skin. This makes your skin tighter and gives you that healthy, beautiful glow. Brightening your skin while removing dark spots helps to make you appear younger as well. Our facial services include ingredients that help to encourage this younger look and feel to your skin. 

2. They make you feel better overall.

The attention given to your skin helps to relax. Some of our full service facial services include attention to your face, scalp, neck, arms, and feet too. It’s an overall experience that helps to release stress. As your skin is cleansed, you experience a fresh feeling which just helps you feel better throughout the rest of your day. 

3. They can also prevent breakouts.

As much as we like to believe that breakouts are a thing of high school, adults often suffer from them too. Blocked pores, blackheads, and pimples can cause an embarrassing situation and make you feel self-conscious. Regular skin care treatments can help exfoliate and moisturize your skin which helps to prevent these breakouts and keep your skin clear. 

4. Finally, they soothe skin sensitivity and dryness. 

Weather changes can often cause dryness or sensitivity. During spring, we’re prone to random hail or rain. Those changes in your environment can really impact your skin too. By regularly treating your skin, you help protect it and sooth that sensitivity.

Experience the way that skin treatments and facials can revitalize your day by reaching out to the team at The BrickHouse. We have a variety of packages available that include a facial or other skin treatment that will bring out the best in your skin.  Consider our BrickHouse Custom Facial which includes everything you need for ultimate relaxation experience. Other options let you mix and match the aspects of skincare that matter the most to you. Contact us to discuss the details.

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